Welcome to the Binckley Family Guestbook

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Son of James Green Binkley and Dorothy Frazier. I was born in Davie Co. NC 1935. My Paternal Grandfather was Samuel F. Binkley, born 1881 in Stokes or Forsyth NC, died 1964. He was son of John William Green Binkley of Forsyth/Stokes who was born in ? 1800's and died in 1912. I am not sure who his father was, but I think he and his parents were members of Concord Methodist Church. If I can get up to NC I want to visit that church and see if I can solve the missing link.
James Green Binkley Jr <jim.binkley@gmail.com>
Cumming, GA USA - Wednesday, October 17, 2007 at 15:14:19 (CDT)
Last week I was stomping around Fairfield and Perry Co Ohio and met a wonderful lady who took me to a couple of cemeteries.
I am looking for The Custards, Parretts, Linvilles, Turners, Thomases and others who married into the Parrett (Parrott) family.
Well while at the cemeteries I took many photos. I can not connect the Binkleys yet or the Spohns but I do have these
pictures I am willing to share. I don't know the name of the cemetery but was told by Maxine that it is called the Binkley
Cemtery it is on the border of Fairfield and Perry counties.
Marcia Loudon <jloudon@nc.rr.com>
Durham, NC USA - Saturday, September 01, 2007 at 11:09:21 (CDT)
Descended from Clara Lucile Binkley daughter of George Binkley son of Reuben Bennett Binkley, son of Reuben K Binkley son of John Binkley son of John Binkley
Virginia English <fishbackginny@hotmail.com>
Marshall, Illinois US - Sunday, August 19, 2007 at 17:50:41 (CDT)
I didn't know my last name was so common! Or that there was someone else with my first name! My immediate family is in Oklahoma City and Texas. My grandfather is John "Doc" Binkley.
Valerie Binkley <val4_5_22@hotmail.com>
Sarasota, FL US - Friday, March 23, 2007 at 07:24:28 (CST)
Honest to goodness entry. I'm interested in finding information on Binkley's. I believe my forefathers came from the Carolina/Tennessee area. I've found some limited information, but every now and then work at finding more. I was born and raised in Atchison, KS where my parent and grandparents are buried. I worked with a Dean Binkley whose relatives came from PA; he was raised here in Oklahoma City. I came across this site by typing "Binkley" in google. Very well composed and I have enjoyed reading the information. Thanks for the site.
~ George ~
George R Binkley <gbinkley@cox.net>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Monday, May 22, 2006 at 17:46:06 (CDT)
I have been researching Tennessee Binkleys and their descendants for the past ten years and am always happy to hear from and/or help a Binkley descendant. My Web page, "Binkley Branches," has a link to my Rootsweb database.
Sara Binkley Tarpley <sarabtarpley@gmail.com>
- Saturday, May 13, 2006 at 11:08:27 (CDT)
Descendant from Immigrant John Binkley/son Felix/Johnson/Samuel/Johnston to my ggg grandma Catherine Elizabeth Binkley Culbertson. Came to PA and then Montgomery County, OH in 1837. Please e-mail if have info to these lines or the Binkley Bridge in Lancaster County, PA. Does anyone know the milling history? Info I received doesn't support the documentation. Hope to hear from "cousins".
Annette Sease Stewart
Lines: Boehm/Binkley/Culbertson/Fourman/Brumbaugh
Annette Stewart <Stewart@wesnet.com>
Arcanum, OH - Thursday, July 28, 2005 at 18:51:17 (CDT)
Gparents were Rev E Vernon & Mamie (Killian) Binkley
Donna K Binkley Shirk <dkshirk@dejazzd.com>
Lanc county, PA 17517 - Thursday, May 12, 2005 at 19:36:19 (CDT)
Henry and Elizabeth (nee Binkley) Springer Jr. are my 3rd Great-Grandparents.
Elizabeth Binkley d/o Johan Heinrick and Susanna L. (nee Baker) Binkley
Brenda J. Frazer <bfrazer821@aol.com>
Wilmington, IL USA - Sunday, March 13, 2005 at 13:16:50 (CST)
hi i found your site while trying to find out a little about my family. the only info i have to start with are my grand parents names. i hope to be as lucky as you have been. have a beautiful day
tommy clum <lurch350@hotmail.com>
hudsun falls , ny usa - Thursday, February 17, 2005 at 07:51:17 (CST)
From the journal of my GGF, William Binckley, an exerpt reads..."Two Binckley brothers settled at Frederick, Maryland, and from those two all the Binckleys in the United States have descended. The name, no doubt, was spelled Binckle, and in order not to have it pronounced Binckel, the y was added. Most of the descendants have further altered the name by eliminating the c." Williams grandfather was John Henry Binckley and his father was Allan Orlando Binckley. Does anyone have any info on this side of the Binckley family?
Jean Binckley Angenent <jbangenent@yahoo.com>
Riverside, CA 92506 - Saturday, February 05, 2005 at 18:37:59 (CST)
Very nice Binckley Site. I filled in some blanks I had on my CLUM side of the family. Kissin'/shirttail cousins...Thanks for the view of your site.
Rebekka <rebekka@msn.com>
Ney York, NY USA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 15:16:29 (CST)
Are any of the addresses on the site current? I haven't had any luck sending emails. The site is wonderful- like so many wintle's I thought the name was unusual and am surprised to see how many there are. Keep up the good work! Cheryl Wintle
Cheryl Wintle <cwintle@ananzit.com>
Cape Town, South Africa, NY USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 at 22:56:27 (CST)
well hello fellow wintles! never new there were so many! im english living and working in america im 22 years old and the rest of my family are back in swindon wiltshire i have one sister (Lucy 17) mother (ruth) dad (chris) i have been in america for 2 years i like it but i miss home
Neil Wynes Morse <NeiL@gadartons.com>
Canberra, ACT Australia, NY USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 at 04:58:44 (CST)
I don't know much about the Binkley side. I do,however,remember hearing something about a Johan as an early member of my family. My father was AAron Mason. Thanks Rich
Richard binkley <richbinkley@msn.com>
cadet, mo usa - Saturday, January 08, 2005 at 06:13:32 (CST)
Actually this is my husband line,His parents were Fred E Downhour and Anna Mae Wade
S/o Clarence Downhour and Harriet Hilliard
S/o Daniel Downhour and Alice maiden name unknown,
s/o Peter Downhour and Elizabeth Lykes or Luke
S/o Jacob Downhour and Elizabeth Binckley
D/o Henry Binckley and Catherine.Last name unknown,
Lois Downour <fredlois@netpluscom,com>
Roseville, Ohio USA - Saturday, January 08, 2005 at 04:54:19 (CST)
I am a descendant of Peter Binkley, who was on the ship with your Johannes.
Ann Whaley <awhaley@carolina.rr.com>
Charlotte, NC USA - Tuesday, December 07, 2004 at 16:54:35 (CST)
I am a descendant of Peter Binkley, who was on the ship with your Johannes!
Ann Whaley <awhaley@carolina.rr.com>
Charlotte, NC USA - Tuesday, December 07, 2004 at 16:52:20 (CST)
I am a descendant of Peter Binkley, who was on the ship with your Johannes!
Ann Whaley <awhaley@carolina.rr.com>
Charlotte, NC USA - Tuesday, December 07, 2004 at 16:51:52 (CST)
Trying to connect with descendants of (Cap't?) Christian Binckley, Rev. War, PA. My lineage goes from him to Heinrich or Emmanuel to Mary Polly Binkley who m. Peter Bugh. Daughter Louisa married John Baichly. Their son, Rev. Adolpus Edwin Baichly was my GGF, father of Paul Chalmers Baichly. Trying to connect all the pieces. Thank you.
Christine Manbeck <soap@bluecovenaturals.com>
Des Moines, Iowa USA - Tuesday, November 02, 2004 at 22:06:18 (CST)
Son of Walter R Binkley, Lima,Ohio
Gary L Binkley <Binkley_G@Cox.net>
Santee, CA US - Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 15:54:32 (CDT)
Would like to know my family background.
Valerie Binkley <val_bink@yahoo.com>
San Diego, CA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 at 23:40:10 (CDT)
Would like to know my family background.
Valerie Binkley <val_bink@yahoo.com>
San Diego, CA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 at 23:39:58 (CDT)
I am the granddaughter of Thomas and Ann Binkley of TN.
Meloney Binkley-Green <jmgreen116@hotmail.com>
Kenosha, WI USA - Sunday, August 15, 2004 at 10:59:40 (CDT)
Hi again. Am researching Canadian Binkleys. Have connected with Bill Sweenie. Anybody else out there?
Carol Binkley <carol_jim_b@hotmail.com>
Brantford, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 at 12:45:21 (CDT)
Hi again. Am researching Canadian Binkleys. Have connected with Bill Sweenie. Anybody else out there?
Carol Binkley <carol_jim_b@hotmail.com>
Brantford, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 at 12:44:57 (CDT)
i was adopted into the binkley/binckley family and this is very cool to see some of the history. i am originally from zanesville, ohio and i now reside in la
joshua binkley <niceguy2000_03@hotmaill.com>
new orleans, lousiana usa - Monday, April 19, 2004 at 17:40:48 (CDT)
5th great granddaughter of Christian M. Binckley
Patricia (Bowers) Clark <gloryb@airmail.net>
Plano, TX USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 at 14:24:07 (CST)
Great site
Rod Johnson <Rod1Johnson>
USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 at 15:33:35 (CST)
great website i think my family my have a link to yours.
ron binkley <binkleyknl@comcast.net>
gallatin, tennessee u.s. - Friday, February 20, 2004 at 00:24:15 (CST)
Most Beautiful work
Ed Shanks <Ed1Shanks@aol.com>
Seattle, Wa USA - Sunday, February 08, 2004 at 14:25:57 (CST)
I am a gggggrandaughter of George and Eva Binkley. My line goes like this: George - - Jacob - - Henry S = =Mary Ella Binkley King - - Julia King Weaver - - Paul Emerson Weaver
Polly Weaver Houser <Pollyh@mac.com>
Canal Winchester, Ohio USA - Saturday, January 17, 2004 at 14:48:50 (CST)
Looking for the parents name of Jacob B Binkley DOB 3/20/1796 and died 11/2/1865 and married Mary D Hinkle. All the names of their children. HE is my husbands 4=great grand father. Searching to complete family tree
Vikki Binkley <vibred1@wmconnect.com>
Rome, GA Floyd - Saturday, January 10, 2004 at 21:40:15 (CST)
My father was Harold M and grandfather was Harold, both from York/Leeds areas in ND
Craig M Binckley <binx22@theofficenet.com>
Rice, WA Stevens - Thursday, December 25, 2003 at 14:51:45 (CST)
James Grant Binkley, Jr <sonny3009@aol.com>
Memphis, Tenn USA - Thursday, December 18, 2003 at 07:44:51 (CST)
victoria binkley <vibred1@wmconnect.com>
Rome, Ga USA - Sunday, December 14, 2003 at 16:58:20 (CST)
Just traced back 12 generations on my maternal grandmother's side! My GG grandmother was Parilee Binkley desc. of Peter Binkley (b. 1704). I traced back to his GG grandparents probably born in the late 1500's! Please e-mail me with any info or questions.
Kelli Colley <kellicolley@aol.com>
Edgewater, FL USA - Sunday, December 14, 2003 at 14:31:43 (CST)
My father was Fay Henry Binkley. He was born in Dexter, KS in June 1910, Died March 26, 1991.
Marcus Raymond Binkley <bink1595@yahoo.com>
Port Orchard, WA United States - Monday, December 08, 2003 at 11:52:39 (CST)
My great grand-uncle was a Binckley. Great site. johnjohansen2@hotmail.com
John <johnjohansen2@hotmail.com>
England - Thursday, December 04, 2003 at 12:13:16 (CST)
Signed this book 2 years ago looking for George Sidney BINKLEY b. 1865 in Williamsburg, OH. I have found him and now need more info on his father, Mathias BINKLEY b. circa 1845 and Mathias' parents Charles BINKLEY b. 1810 and Sarah STOUDER BINKLEY, b. 1815. Any help would be appreciated.
Donna BINKLEY Lograsso <DLogras@aol.com>
St. Louis, MO USA - Sunday, November 23, 2003 at 15:52:08 (CST)
Gee, I feel so unrelated...
Shawn Isholder <spisholder2112@yahoo.com>
Malta - Sunday, November 23, 2003 at 13:40:20 (CST)
Very nice Binckley Site. I filled in some blanks I had on my CLUM side of the family. Kissin'/shirttail cousins...Thanks for the view of your site.
Larry Clum <lclum@cox.net>
Maize, KS USA - Saturday, November 22, 2003 at 13:33:52 (CST)
I am researching Binkleys in Canada
Bill Sweenie <sweenie@ionsys.com>
Orillia, Ontario Canada - Saturday, November 08, 2003 at 19:39:55 (CST)
Have traced back to Peter Binkley Member of 108th Company B 11th PA Cavalry during Civil War recruited from Central PA. Later moved to Omaha Nebraska. Would like to go back further if anyone can help
Keven Binkley <kmbinkley@earthlink.net>
Whiteford, MD - Saturday, October 25, 2003 at 22:58:14 (CDT)
I am descended from Johann Adam Binkley and the Tennessee branch of the family,I would like to find other descendants of Leonard and/or Leonard Livingston Binkley,also descendants of Hursken Earle Binkley,my grandfather who died in California in 1969.
Terry Binkley <Vindicator61@clicksouth.net>
Eustis, Fla. U.S. - Sunday, September 28, 2003 at 21:32:34 (CDT)
Son of Walter R Binkley, who is son of Glenford A Binkley
Gary L Binkley <Binkley_G@Cox.net>
Santee, CA USA - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 at 11:41:30 (CDT)
Son of Glenn, Son of Lewis Binkley
Joshua Glenn Binkley <binkley1000@hotmail.com>
Mooloolaba, QLD Australia - Wednesday, August 20, 2003 at 22:11:38 (CDT)
Wonderful to see so much interest in a great family. My father was from Denver Colorado but his parents were from Tennesee / Kentucky viz, De Wit Binkley and Teresa Binkley. If anyone thinks I am related I have a good tree going back to 1795 on my mother's side (English).
Best wishes to everyone,
Binkley, Vaughn James <Jimbinkley@btopenworld.com>
Derbyshire England - Sunday, August 10, 2003 at 07:53:27 (CDT)
KENNETH BINKLEY <kenbinkleysigns@msn,com>
NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE USA - Thursday, August 07, 2003 at 06:11:29 (CDT)
Iam from Capt christian Binkley.. Thanks for all your work
Carlton J Binkley <candcbinkley@webtv.net>
Blanchester Ohio, Ohio Clinton - Wednesday, July 30, 2003 at 16:47:19 (CDT)
I found quite a bit of information from your web site about the Binkleys. I have been researching Catharine Binkley born about 1832 in Ohio and married Andrew Jackson Scott on 9/24/1850 in Huntington, Indiana. They had three children: Mathias Felix Scott (b 1852), Walter Scott (b 1857 d 1876), and George (b 1859). Geogre went to Annapolis Navel Academy and eventually went to work for the Canadian Railroad. Mathias went to Oberline College and was supertintendent of Pierceton, Indiana and Lyon/Muir, Michigan school systems.
Sue Bell <adhdhi@juno.com>
Kihei, Hawaii USA - Monday, July 14, 2003 at 19:45:04 (CDT)
Son of Howard Neil,Grandson of Howard Bates,both of The Hamilton Ont. area
Brent Binkley <bbink@rogers.com>
Innisfil, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, July 09, 2003 at 20:34:10 (CDT)
Just updating my email. My ggrandmother was Jane BINKLEY, from Goshen Ohio. She married Milton COOK, and had at least one child, my grandfather, Edgar Milton COOK. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Marbeth West <Marbethwest@yahoo.com>
Michigan USA - Tuesday, July 08, 2003 at 12:52:55 (CDT)
My father was Harold Milton Binckley, born May 12, 1924 in Leeds, North Dakota
Dana Broderson (Binckley) <ldbroderson@qwest.net>
Spokane, WA - Sunday, May 18, 2003 at 23:56:05 (CDT)
I'm the third son of Raymond Binkley two older brother's Warrer Wayne and a younger sister Linda I have one son Eric and daughter Vanessa I've been told we are of Dutch ancestery and we are interested in finding our coat of arm's
Roger Binkley <rrbink@juno.com>
Seattle, Washinkton USA - Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 17:15:15 (CDT)
I am descended from the North Carolina Binkleys going back to Peter Binkley who came to this country in the early part of the 1700's.
William Green Binkley <bubbabink70@hotmail.com>
Gainesville, FL USA - Monday, May 12, 2003 at 11:17:15 (CDT)
Hello Everyone. Just signing your guestbook here. You can visit my garden website and see my photos of garden pots if you want to. - Peter Snail -
Peter Snail <petersnail@coolgoose.com>
London, United Kingdom - Tuesday, May 06, 2003 at 09:02:27 (CDT)
From the stories and what not passed down through my family, the Civil War was an important part of my heritage. My family, the Binkley's have been in this area for well over a century and have the grave yards to prove it. I have been told though that I am of Viking blood. The people in my family carry the size and attitude to fit it.
Stuart Maverick Binkley <sbmaverick@hotmail.com>
Corydon, Indiana Unted States - Tuesday, May 06, 2003 at 00:03:36 (CDT)
Hi everyone! Great to visit your Website here! Byeee....
Jenny <jenny121@hotmail.com>
London, Kent United Kingdom - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 at 17:18:12 (CDT)
I am a Binkley which came from Binckley which came from Bengelli (not quite sure of the spelling) and we've traced our family back to the 1700s. I don't have the tree here at work, but if I remember, I'll attach what I have to see if we are all related. I had always heard that Binkley was English. Turns out it's German and my ancestors fled Germany for Austria (I believe) in the 1700s.
Dena Kennedy <dena.kennedy@raymondjames.com>
Seminole, FL - Monday, April 21, 2003 at 14:17:19 (CDT)
I am a Binkley which came from Binckley which came from Bengelli (not quite sure of the spelling) and we've traced our family back to the 1700s. I don't have the tree here at work, but If I remember, I'll attache what I have to see if we are all related. I had always heard that Binkley was English. Turns out it's German and my ancestors fled Germany for Austria (I believe) in the 1700s.
Dena Kennedy <dena.kennedy@raymondjames.com>
Seminole, FL - Monday, April 21, 2003 at 14:16:05 (CDT)
I've been working hard promoting my site lately and checking out what others have done. It's great to see others as passionate about their site as I am about mine. My site is about funny jokes and humor. If you visit it, I hope you enjoy it.
Dirty Jokes <funnyjokes@tbs.com>
Cleveland, Ohio USA - Saturday, April 05, 2003 at 11:56:34 (CST)
My most recent ancestor in Binkley line was Angeline Binkley who married Richard Peeples Lee in 1856 in Davidson County, TN. She was daughter of James Binkley born 1797 in Davidson County, TN. He was son of John Jacob Binkley born 1772 in Maryland.He was son of Johann Adam Binkley born 1744 in York COunty, PA. He was son of Peter Binckele born march 1704 in Canton Bern, Switzerland.
Duane Elliott <rduane0142@msn.com>
Cedar Hill, TN USA - Tuesday, March 04, 2003 at 22:02:43 (CST)
My most recent ancestor in Binkley line was Angeline Binkley who married Richard Peeples Lee in 1856 in Davidson County, TN. She was daughter of James Binkley born 1797 in Davidson County, TN. He wa son of John Jacob Binkley born 1772 in Maryland.He was son of Johann Adam Binkley born 1744 in York COunty, PA. He was son of Peter Binckele born march 1704 in Canton Bern, Switzerland.
Duane Elliott <rduane0142@msn.com>
Cedar Hill, TN USA - Tuesday, March 04, 2003 at 22:01:42 (CST)
Hans Michael Binckley is our link. Thanks for the info and hard work.
Carol Binkley <carol_jim_b@hotmail.com>
Canada - Friday, January 17, 2003 at 13:31:43 (CST)
Related to Anna Maria Barbara through both of her husbands - who are her parents?
Anthony E. Collins <collinae@casinternet.net>
Washington, WV - Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 21:14:57 (CST)
up dating email address
Marsha & David Binkley <binkley206@chartermi.net>
kalamazoo, Mi USA - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 01:04:52 (CST)
Father is Charles Victor, son of Clarence Ruth Binkley, from Adamstown, PA.
Charles Robert Binkley <binkleyr@supernet.com>
Arendtsville, PA USA - Saturday, December 28, 2002 at 06:36:48 (CST)
My grandmother was a Binkley, decendant of Peter Binkley b. 1703/04.
Eleanor Lacourse <elacourse@cox-internet.com>
Amarillo , Texas USA - Friday, November 29, 2002 at 11:32:17 (CST)
My Dad's name is Rich Binckley
Amanda Binckley <Yamagirl08@aol.com>
Woodinville, WA USA - Monday, November 25, 2002 at 15:38:07 (CST)
Hi, Cousins.. I trace to the Pinkley's.. out of Orange County, Indiana... who some say trace back to the Bingele's of Switzerland.
Stephen Hull <phoenix1103@cox.net>
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - Saturday, November 23, 2002 at 21:43:21 (CST)
Looking for info on my father and grandfather. Paul and Anson Binkley, Fredericksburg, Lebanon County, PA
Lee Heffelfinger <cheffelfinger@webtv.net>
Zephyrhills, FL USA - Friday, October 18, 2002 at 23:57:50 (CDT)
Picked up a few early connections and am appreciative. Easy to use site.
Janet Binkley <jrbinkley@juno.com>
Newark, DE USA - Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 21:44:08 (CDT)
nice site! Lots of BINKLEYs out there, do any of you connect with me? my ggrandmother was Jane BINKLEY, m. to Milton COOK, and parents of my grandfather Edgar Milton COOK (b. 13 July 1884 in Goshen Ohio, m. 03 Oct 1907 to Amelia Luesa BRESSERT in Newport Kentucky, and d. 19 Jan 1963 in Mesick Michigan.) I have nothing else on my BINKLEYs.
Marbeth West <Marbethwest@worldnet.att.net>
Pinckney, Michigan U.S.A. - Friday, September 27, 2002 at 09:54:11 (CDT)
Both my parents were Binkley's descending from two brothers that moved to Cheatham Co TN from NC and from what I find were possibly the first settlers of our area. They were descendents of Peter Benggeli. Sara Tarpley has been helpful, but I would like more information on our family.
Wanda Binkley Duckworth <weirdowl@msn.com>
Ashand City, TN USA - Friday, September 27, 2002 at 09:52:07 (CDT)
My lineage: Wilma,Lewis T.,Lowell,Jacob, Joseph. H.,Christian,Jacob
Wilma (Binkley) Layman <wlayman@ctcn.net>
Urbana, Ohio USA - Friday, September 27, 2002 at 08:01:30 (CDT)
Enjoyed relooking at this site, I am a descendent of Christian Binkley, son of John and Maria"Eva".
Toni Davis <KDavis7741@cablespeed.com>
Eagle, Mi Clinton - Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 19:59:58 (CDT)
Jacob Foy married Maria Elizabeth Binckley. Their son Daniel was my great great grandfather.Daniel's wife was Sarah Jones.
Joyce "Foy" Hendrickson <Jhfoy67@a0l,com>
Rialto, California San Bernardino - Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 22:21:21 (CDT)
Just came across this website. We have several people researching, and should work together.
Jeff Woodard <jeffwoodard@attglobal.net>
Singapore, - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 22:32:02 (CDT)
There's lots of Binkleys in this world!
Ryan Binkley <mjcloukusa@shaw .ca>
Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 20:24:13 (CDT)
My great grandmother was Mary Ella Binkley dau of Henry S. Binkley.
Polly Houser <Pollyh@mac.com>
Canal Winchester, Ohio - Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 14:47:53 (CDT)
Thank you so much for providing this information on the Binckley Family. I have been researching my husband's family for some time and this has proved very very helpful to me. Just so you know our connection, my husband is descended from Christian Binckley, by his daughter, Maria Elizabeth Binckley who married Jacob Foy, then through their daughter Margaret Foy who married Emanuel Dupler. If you are interested in any more information, you may email me at the above referenced address. Thank you again!
Joy Landis <rflandis@attbi.com>
California - Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 09:59:04 (CDT)
My family still takes care of the Binckley cemetary in New Reading, Ohio. This is where Captain Binckley is. My grandfather was Christian Lee Binckley. My brother has the deed to the cemetary and him and my father take care of it.
My grandfather loved the cemetary and was very proud that it is still in the family.
Tina McCall <tinamm@myownemail.com>
New Lexington, Ohio Perry - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 15:02:40 (CDT)
Love the site. I have info on Mary Jane Binkley m. Robert Boyd
Dianna Wise-Erickson <diannawe@aol.com>
Forest Lake, MN - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 11:08:56 (CDT)
My greatgrandmother was Amanda Binckley, a descendent of Hans Michael Binckley b 1712-d.1775. She married Elisha Owens in TN. Later moved to MO.
James Henry <jhenry1933@aol.com>
Sherwood, AR USA - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 18:04:33 (CDT)
Where does the Binckley name originate from? I have been told it was Switzerland?
John Binckley <jbinckley@hotmail.com>
Huntington Beach, CA USA - Friday, May 17, 2002 at 22:45:05 (CDT)
Descendant of Peter 1706
Marshall Kenneth Binkley <kbinkley@flash.net>
Ft Worth, Tx Tarrant - Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 15:28:43 (CDT)
I really enjoyed the site! My gg grandmother was Levina BINKLEY, b. 1817, wife of Sanford CLINARD. They lived in Robertson Co., TN. I'm searching for the parents of Levina.
Brenda Gartside <Bgart111@aol.com>
Winnipeg, Canada - Monday, April 15, 2002 at 18:31:59 (CDT)
Interested in all information for Adam Binckley-Maria Magdalena Anspach; David Binckley-Nancy Beachler; Aaron Binckley-Catharine Boyer; Samuel Binckley-Elva May Humberger.
Sue Binckley Allen <jimallen7@excite.com>
KS - Sunday, February 17, 2002 at 13:07:34 (CST)
Good website. I am searching for parents of Anna Maria Barbara Binckele (1722-1791) wife of Matthias Meyer and later on, Valentine Frey. I think she may be daughter of Hance/Johannes Binckele, born ca 1695. He and Peter Binckele came over to America in 1736.
Bill Dahnke <wfdahnke@aol.com>
Union City, TN USA - Saturday, February 02, 2002 at 03:19:10 (CST)
Working on the Thomas Binkley line from Indiana and Missouri.
alyce a. Rufi <Alyce75056@yahoo.com>
The Colony, Texas usa - Tuesday, January 22, 2002 at 07:31:06 (CST)
Nice site, I came searching for my ellusive gg-grandmother
Susanna Binkley, b. abt 1811, m. John Henry Krantz
in Davidson Co., Tn. 22 Jan. 1839.
Terry Pyle <shad@midamer.net>
Johnston city, Il. USA - Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 19:34:43 (CST)
I have info about Christian Binkley. I am GGGgranddaughter of Christian and Joanna Caudle Binkley
Wilma Layman <wlayman@ctcn.net>
Urbana , Ohio USA - Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 18:47:34 (CST)
My Grandmother was Martha Rebecca Binkley 1907-1987. Daughter of Henry Binkley and Elizabeth Sattazahn of Lebanon Co., Pa.
Beverly Mehalick <mehalick@pa.net>
Liverpool, Pa. 17045 - Sunday, December 30, 2001 at 13:14:22 (CST)
Descendant of Joahnnes Binkley, Sr. - native of Cumru Twp., Berks Co., PA where Johannes Sr. died in 1770.
Jan M. Haas <jmhaas@aol.com>
Yardley, PA US - Friday, December 28, 2001 at 08:07:42 (CST)
I am ggggndaughter of Christian B. Binkley
Wilma Layman <wlayman@ctcn.net>
Urbana, Ohio USA - Wednesday, December 26, 2001 at 07:04:25 (CST)
Nice web site
My husband comes from this line and this site has offered confirmation of this we have documented.
As well as a picture just as we took 10 years ago in Binckley Ridge Cem, Perry Co., Ohio.
I just wish someone had taken separate pictures of the other headstones. We lost ours in a move
Marsha K Fenstermacher / Binkley <mbinkley@complink.net>
Kalamazoo, Mi USA - Monday, December 24, 2001 at 18:34:54 (CST)
Father Charles Victor Binkley, Blue Ball, PA; Grandfather Clarence Ruth Binkley, Adamstown, PA. Interested in finding more about my ancestors. Thanks.
Charles Robert Binkley <binkleyr@cvn.net>
Arendtsville, PA USA - Saturday, December 22, 2001 at 20:49:00 (CST)
I also descend from Capt. Christian Binkley. My ggrandfather was Christian Binkley. Christian's father's name was John and he came from Pa., John was married to Mary Ev Fisher "Polly" she was born in Northumberland, Pa.
Toni Davis <KDavis7741@cablespeed.com>
Eagle, Mi USA - Saturday, December 22, 2001 at 06:40:22 (CST)
Jody Crocket <jcrocket@pacifier.com>
Vancouver, Washington USA - Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 13:40:29 (CST)
gggranddaughter of Lewis Binkley, son of Christian.
Doris Christian <dmkchristian@austin.rr.com>
austin, texas - Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 13:50:24 (CST)
Researching the children of Peter Binkley (1704-1793)who came to TN and their descendants. Peter was my fourth great-grandfather.
Sara Binkley Tarpley <kena159@aol.com>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 01:42:03 (CST)
Searching for information on the parents of my ggrandfather George Sidney Binkley born 18 January 1865, Ohio - believe Clermont Co. Hope this site will help in my search.
Donna Binkley Lograsso <DLogras@aol.com>
MO US - Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 07:59:40 (CST)
Very interesting! My father was Robert E. Binckley 1935-1998 born in Ohio
Not sure of anything before that!
Tim Binckley <timb58@voyager.net>
Newark, Ohio USA - Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 20:50:49 (CST)
Also researching the Binkley family.
Ann Davis <txcajun@flash.net>
Rockwall, Texas USA - Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 20:40:39 (CST)
Researching the Binkleys of NC, especially those of Yadkin and Forsyth counties.
Steve Binkley <boppyh@netpath.net>
Burlington, NC USA - Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 19:04:38 (CST)
Interested in funneling/compiling/sharing Binkley/Pinkley and other spellings with their locations - mostly living in the 1700s. Bridget McCartney Rogier
Bridget McCartney Rogier <bridgetr@prodigy.net>
Lansing, Michigan - Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 05:59:41 (CST)
3rd great granddaughter of George Binkley who was married to Eva Petrey and lived in Hagerstown, Washington Co. MA in late 1700s & early 1800s. He had brothers Jacob and Philip.
Betty Ann Prescott <bap@caltel.com>
Camp Connell, CA USA - Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 16:42:19 (CST)